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What Got Me Interested in Gaming PCs?

Jul 18

4 min read




A Journey into the Virtual World

Escaping into a virtual world was my sanctuary from the harsh realities of high school. The bullies and unkind teachers made each day a struggle, and gaming became my refuge. This is the story of how I got interested in gaming PCs, the games I love, and the company that helped me get my dream setup without breaking the bank.

The Beginnings of My Gaming Journey

High School Challenges

High school wasn't a walk in the park for me. The daily torment from bullies and the indifference from teachers took a toll on my spirit. I needed an escape, a place where I could be myself without fear of judgement.

Discovering the Virtual World

I stumbled upon gaming during my early teens. My first experience was on a console, and I was instantly hooked. The immersive worlds, compelling stories, and the ability to be anyone or do anything captivated me. However, it wasn't long before I realised that gaming on a PC offered a whole new level of experience.

Why Gaming PCs?

The Allure of Customisation

One of the biggest draws to gaming PCs was the customisation. Unlike consoles, a PC can be tailored to meet specific gaming needs. From choosing the right graphics card to picking out the perfect cooling system, building a gaming PC is a personal and rewarding endeavour.

Performance and Graphics

The performance and graphics of a gaming PC are unmatched. High frame rates, stunning visuals, and smooth gameplay make the experience far superior to that of a console. For someone who enjoys getting lost in the details of a game, this was a significant factor.

Favourite Games


Minecraft was one of the first PC games I delved into. Its sandbox nature allowed me to create and explore endlessly. The game’s simplicity combined with its endless possibilities kept me engaged for hours on end. Minecraft isn't just a game; it's a canvas. I spent countless hours building intricate structures and exploring vast landscapes. The creativity it fostered was a great way to express myself, especially when real-life felt restrictive.

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 introduced me to a vibrant, futuristic world filled with complex characters and thrilling adventures. Despite its rocky launch, the game quickly became a favourite. The storytelling in Cyberpunk 2077 is brilliant! Every decision impacts the narrative, making each playthrough unique. This level of immersion is what makes gaming on a PC so special.

The Build Process

Research and Planning

Before building my gaming PC, I spent hours researching components. Forums, reviews, and YouTube channels became my best friends. The process was daunting but incredibly educational.

The Build

The actual build process was both challenging and exciting. From installing the CPU to managing cables, every step required precision. The sense of accomplishment when it all came together was indescribable.

Finding the Right Supplier

3B Systems: A Perfect Match

Finding a reliable supplier was crucial. 3B Systems was recommended to me by friends who I shared my hobby with, and my expectations were certainly met. Their wide selection of components and competitive prices made them the ideal choice for my build. I managed to get my entire gaming setup for under £1000. Despite the budget, my gaming experience has been nothing short of spectacular. Smooth gameplay, stunning graphics, and reliable performance - all thanks to 3B Systems.

FAQs About Gaming PCs

1. What makes gaming PCs better than consoles?

Gaming PCs offer superior performance, customisation, and graphics compared to consoles. They can also be upgraded over time to meet the demands of newer games.

2. How much does it cost to build a gaming PC?

The cost can vary widely, but a decent gaming PC can be built for under £1000. High-end builds can cost significantly more depending on the components chosen.

3. What are the essential components for a gaming PC?

Key components include the CPU, GPU, RAM, motherboard, storage, and a power supply. A good cooling system is also essential for optimal performance.

4. Can I upgrade my gaming PC later on?

Yes, one of the advantages of a gaming PC is the ability to upgrade components as needed. This extends the lifespan of the system and keeps it up to date with the latest games.

5. Where can I find reliable components for building a gaming PC?

Reliable components can be found from reputable suppliers like 3B Systems, which offer a wide range of products at competitive prices.

The End?

Gaming PCs have opened up a world of possibilities for me. From escaping the harsh realities of high school to exploring immersive virtual worlds, the journey has been incredible. Building my own PC was a rewarding experience, and finding a supplier like 3B Systems made it all possible without breaking the bank.

But does my journey end here...

Well, I'll certainly be keeping with 3B Systems if I ever need to upgrade my setup. And the consideration of any upgrades hints that I am not even closely done with my gaming adventures. I'll continue to work hard throughout my life, but I'll be even more sure to play harder!

Jul 18

4 min read





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